Felix Stalder, Janez Fakin Janša (ed.)
From Commons to NFTs
From Commons to NFTs
The seven essays in this book examine the desires and impulses that drive digital culture, focusing on the shift from commons to NFTs, from new forms of sharing to the expansion of private ownership and tradable commodities. They reveal just how much our culture has been transformed in the last 20 years, but also unearth surprising continuities between the commons and some of the truly experimental uses of blockchains.
Written by artists, researchers, curators and technologists from Europe, North America and East Asia, these essays bring much-needed first-hand experience and long-term perspective to the discussion.
Author: Felix Stalder, Janez Fakin Janša (ed.)
Editor: Felix Stalder, Janez Fakin Janša
Publisher: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary ArtLjubljana
Contributor(s): Felix Stalder, Yukiko Shikata, Michelle Kasprzak, Denis “Jaromil” Roio, Cornelia Sollfrank, Jaya Klara Brekke, Lee Tzu-Tung
Year: 2022
Pages: 120
Language: English
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